Saturday 1 January 2011

Summary of 2010 and Hopes for 2011 anyone?


Summary of 2010

January 2010 - 
Not much really occurred within this month.. was mainly just exams, and year 12 re-takes... So im going to skip January as a summary because from as much as i can remember nothing happened!! :) Moving on...

February 2010 -
This month  was actually pretty good. Joined the gym with Chanita, and Angela. Which proved that i actually enjoy working out, especially when after being able to relax in the sauna or steam room. As well as the laughs had when there, especially with Chanita when we added some new workouts to our pretty intense routine, and then showing Angela them. Oh and how can i not forgot the Abs Attack class that me and Chanita were talked into going, which lets say i have not laughed so much in my whole life, my abs hurt so much the next day!! Miss the treadmills, the cross trainer, the bikes and the weights that killed but was gooood!! Good times!! As well as that the start of many crazy parties begun.. 

March 2010 - 
Hmmmm... March... in 2010... was mainly full of messing around in sixth form, having laughs, walking round city with mainly Chanita, and Gym. Oh and i also got my first ever job working at Clinton Cards, which gave me something to do, even though i bunked off sixth form a bit to go in and do shifts, but it was worth it :) Was not a bad month, but yeah not much interesting happened. Just alot of laughs :) 

April 2010 - 
Was the same as March... Except within April, went on an amazing residential with Youth Cabinet, even though in the room i was staying in with Jess and Sally, there were scary massive pregnant spiders, it was still fun :) With the footballers to check out at lunch ;) But yeah April 2010... it had a few minor bumps and downs, but it was still good :)

May 2010 - 
Was the start of exams! Even though i only had one re-take (AS Music Technology) in May, in which me Chanita and Chloe, revised like MAD before the exam, and still remember Mikey trying to help us by singing Bon Jovi - livin on a prayer. And the old examiner woman falling asleep in the exam room = LOL 
If i can remember as well, it was lush weather in May :) Which was a plus, was a stressful month with revising for exams to come and having an exam.

June 2010 -  
June was a month of stress!!! had so many exams to revise for, coursework to get in, and my A2 Music Technology exam coming up, as well as my sisters 15th. The only good thing about June was the weather was amazing, was sunny yet had a breeze as well as the end of sixth form, :D

July 2010 - 
Was a taster of what was about to come! The weather was amazing, Chilled out most days, saw friends nearly every day, the world cup was on, which meant parties, had my black tag grading which i passed :D and Prodigy gig, which even though i got so bruised from all the mosh pits i randomly ended up in, stinking like beer and passing out due to heat and getting smacked over the head by a bottle and missing the start of prodigy (Sorry Luke :P) it was the BEST GIG EVER!!!! 

August 2010 - 
The start to a new world!! Turned 18 AT LAST!!! Watched everyone else turn 18, and turning down invites to go out clubbing, that i finally was able to go out and PARTY!! My 18th was incredible and love all my friends and family who made it so amazing, on my actual birthday (7th) had a garden party, in which the garage was decorated with lights, banners and pictures of me as a baby, BBQ was burning away and the sun was shinning, ring of fire was played, and hide and seek in the dark and drunk was crazy :) Then the next day went to TGI's and clubbing which OMG... WOW is all i have to say, met people who i used to know and became the group i went out with :) As well as that happening in August, also went to London with Chanita and Ryan which was a long day but was fun :) Then results day.... THE MOST STRESSFUL DAY EVER!!! woke up at 6am, got onto UCAS, and there i sat for 3 hours constantly refreshing the page and waiting to see if i had got into Uni.... then at about 8.30ish... there it was... "You have been accepted into the University of Derby" I literally RAN down the stairs i exclaimed in excitement to my mum "I DID IT! I DID IT!! I GOT IN!!!!!" Then at 10am went into Sixth form with Chanita to pick up results... in which was not what i expected.... Me and Chanita both looked at each other and laughed then started to cry.... Had done sooooo SHIT!!! I was so confused on how i had got into Uni, as i did not have the requirements that they had wanted.... I rung my mum up to tell her and she came to see me, we then spoke to the head of the sixth form, who really annoyed me, kept on congratulating me for all the work i had done in youth cabinet, etc... and was not focussing on the main point until i looked at him and was like "You are not listing to me! What am i suppose to do?" Thats when he saw i was not messing around, he looked at the results and said that he "did not understand how i got how i got, considering my predicted grades" and in his words "outstanding reference" He then mentioned, "maybe they have made a mistake, i mean you could stay on and re-take, ignore it and go off to the uni, or call them up, but bear in the mind, if they have made a mistake, they may reject you" It was a risk i had to consider, go off to Uni in hope that it was not a mistake, or call them up and ask them... I decided the only way i would feel secure (which if you don't know me, feeling secure is a BIG thing i have to feel) So i rang UCAS first... explaining my situation and asking if it has happened before, they said they had not heard of my situation before... and said to ring the Uni. So i did... It took me half an hour to get through... and when i did i felt so sick, i kept playing the conversation in my head... I explained to them, that i have got a place at the Uni, but i had reached no where the requirements they wanted, and had they made a mistake... It was silent... the woman on the other end, asked for my name, i felt like hanging up, i didnt wanna know, but i said my name, and she put me on hold, those few mins felt like years had passed... She came back... this was it... she said the University was well aware of my grades, and that they too were confused on how i had achieved so low, but i had definitely got a place, as they had looked back onto my GCSE's, my predicted grades, my Reference and Personal Statement, and accepted me on those terms. I thought reading that i had been accepted was the best feeling ever, but that, was the best feeling i had felt. To think exams i had done 3-4 years ago, a reference and a personal statement got me into Uni. I went home and had a BIG glass of Champagne. That night i went out clubbing and got very, very, very DRUNK!!! and stayed out until 6am thanks to Bethany :P And as soon as Chanita finally turned 18 everything was going so well :)
August a month of partying!!! and meeting old new friends, such as Sean, Charlie, Bethany and Roberto. (Y)

September 2010 - 
Well September was the month were clubbing picked up, and partied as much as i could, saw as many friends as i could. Then on the 19th of September everything i started i left, and moved to Derby. I had only turned 18 4 weeks ago and was already moving out... felt so un-real. I didn't feel that sad when moving out, more excited. The car was packed full of boxes, and as i turned the key into the door, my new life begun. Was a long day, the parents car had broken down, so they stayed longer than expected whilst waiting for the AA to come, and then when they were leaving, Ryan showed up to see me and say goodbye as he had been in Nottingham, was so weird seeing my Parents and my best friend from first school drive away... Then that month was partying, getting punched in the face, getting freshers flu, trips to the walk in centre, starting lectures and meeting new people, such as the amazing people in FLAT 10C :)

October 2010 -
Starting to get into a routine, and still meeting new people :) But yeah October was not any different from 19th September onwards, was just getting used to life on my own, handing in first assignment and partying! 

November 2010 -
Such a horrible month,  the November blues hit me, and it hit me hard! started to want to go home, and the thoughts of failing my A-levels hit me, and i started to think that i shouldn't be at Uni. My Dad said he would bring me home if i wanted, where as my Mum told me to get up and sort it out. Which i thank her for, because it did get better. Got first assignment back and got a B- and everything that had happened before with exams, i just didn't care, and Uni started to become fun and got good :)

December 2010 -
Went home for the first weekend in December, and was a crazy weekend with babysitting the gorgeous baby cousin, and gaming with the goober Chanita :) Then on the 12th the amazing Superhero party for Bens birthday in the legendary flat 10C Love all you guys :) Finished first ever semester on the 17th. Then on the 18th i went home for Christmas... which even though a month ago i wanted to go home, when the day came i didn't want to go. But now i am home, i am starting to get used to being home, and i know that when the day comes its going to be hard to say goodbye to the parents and MK again... but it shall all be okay :) 
Christmas was good this year, not any arguments = a plus and new year's eve was good, was not hectic, but was fine, because i HATE new year eve,  worst day of the year i think! 

So to summarise 2010 i think that for me, its been eventful, obviously some months i haven't said much... but some things are left unsaid and i know what went on and how good and how bad things got, and overall 2010 was a learning curve and was epic :) 

Expectations of 2011:

To have fun as usual, to not think so much into things, because doing that just causes downs, and having someone special to spend and share the year with! Please? 

Follow for some amazing posts that are yet un-known :)

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