Sunday 11 September 2011

Review of the summer...

I thought i should update this blog mainly because i haven't posted in a while... well not properly... as well as heading back off to Derbyland tomorrow for my second year at uni... so it is sort of like a milestone i guess in "The life story of Nessa"
The title of this post is the "Review of summer"... and summer for me started as soon as i finished my first year of uni, so I am going to begin this "review" from around the 16th May :)

16th May - 31st May

May was very much the month of finishing and celebrating finishing the first year of uni, and the feeling of finishing my last year1 exam and handing in my last piece of my year1 coursework, felt soooooo gooood!! Amongst celebrating the end of the first year of uni, the only AMAZING part of May, was May18th, finally getting togther with James :) <3 I dont want to go all smooshy and lovey dovey and that, but since that day i have been so happy :D i really do feel like he completes me :) May 18th was just perfect for me :) Watched him in his first boxing match, and i knew the exact point where i thought to myself, why am i being so unhappy and wishing to be happy, when i can be happy, when the guy who i can be happy with is standing right in that ring. The guy who i want to be with is right there.... why am i denying myself.... it was then i woke up and realised how much of a complete TWAT i had been!! as soon as his fight was over i was itching to see him, and just seeing him, and sealing that first kiss, felt AMAZING!!! something i have never felt before!! :)
So yeah I cant really remember much of May, except from being with James all the time!! Which i'm not complaining :) <3

June 1st - June 30th

My little sister turned sweet 16.... (well sweet as she can be.. haha) I came back for uni for it... it was pretty low key, as she dose not like much of a fuss... strange child.... :P
The rest of June was spent back at uni, hanging and shopping with Sophie, chilling with the flat 10C boys! and of course spending time with James <3 Which may i say was amazing :D Picnic in the park, walks, romantic dinners, films, spending whole days in PJs watching tv and munching on food!! Was to be honest PERFECT :D But... by the end of June... I had to go back off home!!! Which was bye bye to James!! :'(
But it was good to be back at home with ALL my stuff around me... not half of it because the other half was back up in Derby... and my memory foam bed (mmmm memory foam) and my adorable cat Ketchup! and of course my friends and family!! Most times were spent annoying my mum and dad by talking on and and on at them, and meeting up with Chanita, Angela, Shona and Luke!

July 1st - July 31st
James <3 came down to visit my home!! Of course after i had seen the incredible foo fighters!! which i was conned out of a foo figther ticket and then hunted high and low to find someone selling one at a reasonable price of course!! which 3 days before the concert i managed to find the most amazing woman ever! who sold me one of her tickets and i got to go :D Inner pit wrist band, nice weather and amazing bands :) as well as the thought that i would get to see James the next day :D
So James came down!! and i was nervous... because he would meet my family, see where i live, meet my friends and such, but i didn't need to be nervous! my family loved him as well as my friends and he loved where i lived as well as my family and friends!! so all in all it went perfect :)
But obviously James didn't stay forever he went back of to Norwich... but a week later i went to visit him!! and his family were amazing!! his house was amazing!! just like him :D July was most likely the best month in summer!! even went to a zoo!! :D

August 1st - August 31st
Went and saw Capdown play :D which ive not seen them play live for over 2 years!! so that was pretty amazing!! and then James came down to visit again which was even more amazing!! and i had my 19th birthday which was pretty cool!! Just wish the weather was better on my birthday! lol
Then i had to go back to Derby to re do some of year one work as i failed two pieces! but it wasn't all bad as i went back to Derby with James <3 :) so even though i was at uni most days, i had him to keep me company, and our nights were full of yummy dinners and films whilst cuddling up on the sofa :) The only bad thing that happen in this month was the damn person who was shoved into me causing me to go flying out of a set of fire doors and then taken to hospital, but James (even though he was slightly drunk) was by my side the whole 5 hours we were there :') And i even passed my re takes :P

September 1st - till now
Its gone really quick, been yet again hanging out with friends and chilling.... but now as i am having to pack up and leave to go back to Derby... this time for more than a couple of weeks... im slightly sad... I mean.. I have friends, a amazing boyfriend, a second year at uni to look forward to... but i am still going to miss home!! A LOT!!! :/ but once i get there i will be ok :) i hope :)

So to review this summer = AMAZING!!! :D

Bring on next year!!!