Monday 27 December 2010

Christmas!!! 2010

Christmas. It means something different for everyone, some people it is all about Jesus being born, some people it is about spending time with family, for some its about presents and festive food, and some it doesn't mean anything, just another day in the year.
Christmas. Holds many traditions for people. Such as Putting up the tree, in which in my family, my Dad would put the tree up in the room and then my Mum and me will decorate it, and even though my Mum says to me "yeah just put it anywhere you want" as soon as ive done a bit of a tree she will always move things and always has to approve of it, and then at the end my little sister will put the angel on the top. Even the build up has a tradition, of films with the family every day with hot lunches and Christmas lights. Christmas eve, is usually go out for dinner and then cinema... but this year was different in which we just stayed in, which in my view was a tad strange... but traditions have to change at some point. 
Christmas day is always the same though, even though the little sister is getting older she will still wake up at a un-natural hour and then come bouncing into my bedroom waking me up, in which i will make her lie with me for an extra hour before letting her loose to wake up the parents, then the whole morning she is the boss, opening presents in turn, then after getting ready, and whilst food is being prepared family arrive, and then dinner is served which takes up to about 4-5 hours. After that family always gathers round to watch Christmas specials and then play games, until bed. Boxing day is always my favourite day though. 
Going to Uncles, seeing the whole family, having a lush lunch and playing games, then for dinner the left over turkey, baked beans and mash :) YUM!!! 

Christmas to me, is the best holiday, just filled with films, snuggling up in blankets, and chilling out :) 
And you get presents :)

 Always need a Christmas outfit!! 
In previous years its usually every single piece of clothing that i got given for Christmas, and some years its been tutu and fairy wings! Its the only day as well as my birthday and fancy dress parties i can dress up :D 

However i left my fairy wings and tutu in Derbyland so my outfit this year consisted of a dress i was brought, red tights for the festive season, the hat and cardigan because it was COLD!! as well as the lush slippers i got!! :) 

Christmas edition 2010


There are sooo many pictures that were taken, that i couldn't have them all on the post! So 12 festive photos of the amazing Christmas that i had are all that are needed :)
The first one, is us all with presents that are ready to be open :O
Then there is the one that shows the LOVE that goes round the household <3
And then the famous tree, that without it, well it just wouldn't feel like Christmas now would it :)

Got any traditions of your own... then comment below :)

Follow? Its Christmas :)

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Just don't see the big deal.

For those who don't know me as well, will think that this post is going to be very BIG headed, but believe me its not... this post is more of a rant, and to question why boys do such things...
Feel quite strange posting about this... but it does play on my mind and confuses me...

What is the big deal with me....

I just don't understand, how without even trying, boys come and tell me things such as "your gorgeous" and  "I've always had a thing for you but been to shy to say" and more things such as that... now I dunno if anyone has noticed... but I don't dress on a day to day basis in a way that is in my eyes amazing... take this an example...
Me on the left, in a baggy hoody and what you cant see is some normal blue sort of baggy jeans, compared to this girl who is wearing skirts, tights and a small jacket.... i don't tend to dress girlie ... I'm more of a jeans, hoody and trainer girl.... however I am NOT a tomboy, very much girlie.. just don't dress it. But I still don't see how that even though I don't dress as girlie as the girl on the right, but still guys are constantly staring, eyeing me up and asking for my number and name... WHY????

I'm not complaining, its good to know that even without trying I am still what people class as "attractive" and all that, but at time it gets to the point, where realise that it scares guys that I actually want to be with, off.
Its even more annoying, having the wrong guys thinking your amazing and that they will do anything for you (don't ask why..) and not having the guy that I would actually much rather think that I am amazing, not think it.

So yeah random and weird post... but
I am not that amazing, just average me :)

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Monday 20 December 2010

Why does it need a title? :)

18th December 2010 - longest time i have EVER spent not moving on the motor way!
Driving back home to Milton Keynes for Christmas, was going well, not many cars and was making good time.. which was good because just wanted to get home, even though was in a weird emotional mood (which annoyed me because i didnt know why) and then got to Northamptonshire, and traffic picked up... was getting icey.... then literally went under a bridge and BANG there was TONS of snow!!! Knee deep and a stand still!!
There sat in the same position 9miles away from Milton Keynes for 2hours!!! As well as that the petrol was running low.... I think sitting in that car would have been more bearable if my dad wasnt getting annoyed by not being able to move and then moaning about the people that were getting out of the cars, and going fast... and blah blah blah.... eventually we got to Milton Keynes, and no lie it was like a scene from a Zombie film!! There was abandoned cars and buses, lorry's that had crashed into vans and bus stops, random people walking the streets and roads, and cars skidding everywhere! 
From just coming from a quiet icey Derby to this... it was crazy!!!!
Decided to get pizza, and me and the Dad walked round to get it, which he always makes me chuckle because even though im 18, he still treats me as though i am 5 years old and have never seen or walked in snow in my life, even though it was me making sure he didn't fall! :) 
That night when laying in my bed (which is SOOOOO much comfier and bouncy than my Derby bed) i realised how strange it is to be home!!! and how bloody cold my house is!!

Anyway only a small post this time!!
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Friday 17 December 2010

End of first ever semester

Friday, the last day of the first semester here at uni (2010) and lets just say its been interesting, and i have learnt a lot. It seems like only last week i found out i was accepted into uni, and only feels like yesterday that my parents drove me all the way up here, and left me to start a life on my own. These 3 years are going to FLY by!
To be honest, it was hard at the start... 
Making friends, getting to know people, getting into a routine and for half of the semester i was constantly ill, mainly because of stress, lack of sleep and feeling homesick... which was un-cool and there were many times i would call up my Dad asking to come home, because i know he would come pick me up any time, unlike my Mum who would tell me to get a grip and carry on going... which in my best interests she is right.. 
But yeah things are good now... I thought this post would be a lot longer than its turning out to be... but hey ho :) 
Met some AMAZING people!!! Learnt how to do things i never knew you had to do... Realised that not sleeping is not good.... and realised that without the constant nagging of my parents things don't get done, and that ends bad!! 

Even though i promised myself and all the AMAZING friends i had before i went to Uni that i would NEVER change, and i will still be the same person when i come back... but i think i have broke that promise... because i have changed... and i know i have.. Which in a way i am glad about, because some of the changes are good... but then im quite sad that i have, because i liked who i was, and i don't want to loose people close to me because of this change thing!! 

So going home for a whole month is going to be ODD..... not having to worry about cooking and getting up for lectures is going to be INCREDIBLE!! But living under my parents rules is going to be the odd part!! But it shall be good to get away from everything... because it comes to a point where i just cant deal with all this s**t! 

:) Yeah anyway... sorry for this real crap post! but am a tad tired.... 
If its your first time reading my blog.... do follow me! :) and read the other posts because they are better :) 

Thursday 9 December 2010

Weekend back home :) Goobering, drinks, learning about babies

As being at University all the way up in Derby, every now and then its nice to go back home for the weekend. However each time is as crazy as the last. As it is only a weekend... which only really consists of one full day, there are many things to do, and many people to see. But this weekend was the BEST yet :) and blog worthy :) 


My train left at 1.06 and it was a CRAZY rush to get onto it!
I woke up very late (10am), and still had to wash my hair, do my washing, pack and go to Sainsburys to get some money out..
Got dressed at (11am) and went down to put the washing on... that would take half an hour.
So decided to walk to Sainsburys to get some money out for taxi to station, i would walk it, but the paths were so icy it would have taken ages to get there!! Vicky (flat mate) needed to go Sainsburys as well so she decided to come with me....
BUT what would usually take us 10mins there and back took us up to 40mins!!! Due to Vicky not wanting to fall, it did make me giggle how funny she was, fussing over the ice, when she didn't even fall :P Oh and also the cash point wasn't working so i had to buy something to get cash back.. so the time i got back it was 11.40... cutting time here... so i put my washing in the dryer... 50mins that would take... i begun to realise there was a high risk of missing the train :O 
Decided to skip washing my hair and i would do that when i got home, i would just stick a hat on.. so that cut time... then i packed as much as i could whilst waiting for the dryer.... it was 12.45 now i had 15mins to get my washing back to my room put it away, get in the taxi and get on the train!!! Eek!!! I ran down got my washing out, ran up back to my room.. 12.50... called a taxi... "ten minutes" the lady said!!! It takes 5 mins to get to the station... at this point i was panicking!! I put as much as the washing away as i could, and left the rest on the bed, grabbed my suitcase and with the help of Vicky lugged it down the stairs. Lucky the taxi was there!! 12.56.... in the taxi.... got to the station 1.02... payed the taxi man, got out the taxi, grabbed my suitcase and got into the station... 1.04.... looked for where my train would be.... ran up the stairs... 1.05.... ran down the stairs to the platform... 1.06 there was the train... the doors where closing... i ran, not caring if i fell or not... luckily the driver saw me and waited... so so lucky, i managed to get on the train :) 1.07 it left! 
Now back in Derbyland it was icey, snowy and COLD!! So i dressed fairly warm.... got back to Milton Keynes.... NOTHING!!! no snow.... no ice!!! nothing!! I looked like a complete PLEB! but anyway got back home saw the cats <3 and the family, went food shopping with the Mum <3 and the the best friend Ryan came round and we went to the pub for a drink which was goooooood :D 

Yeah Ryan looks a bit scared in this picture... but he was having a good time :) 


Chanita came round. :) 
So the Goober was suppose to come at 11.... but because of her little mum having to go to loads of places first she didn't actually get here until about 12!! She knocked on the door and as soon as i answered it we both started laughing!! :D The Goobs were back!! (Y) We then walked to tescos and brought chicken burgers (Chanitas frav :P) crisps and fizzy drink!! For our full action packed day!!..... Of GAMING!! 
We got back to mine, cooked lunch, and sat and watched...... Spongebob (Yeah we are cool of course) Then we munched on the crisps.... which were a bit toooo spicy for little ChanBan and she was well lets say pre-occupied for a while ;) (She knows what i mean) After that we went onto the Wii and begun.... playing MARIO. Now this game, always gets me and Chanita... because its the new super mario brothers game, in where we are both playing on the SAME screen... and have to work together!! Which to begin with me and Chanita aren't that good at.... but after a few times repeating a level... over.... and over..... and over..... and over.... with 30 continues we get there.... So we defeat fish, Ghosts, and Squids that look like Ghosts... and we get to the Boss.... this is where it goes soooo wrong!!! Chanita, "how do we defeat him?" Me, "You jump on him and then avoid the shell" Chanita "okay" But no she gets killed straight away... and then i die... we try again... i died and yell "Don't die... wait till you pop me" but no she dies.... We try once again... and we both die... and then the most funny thing happens... Its chanita and the boss... Chanita yells "What do i do" I yell "JUMP ON HIM! JUMP ON HIM"...... so she belly flops Bowser... and its Gameover!!! We both stare at the TV with our mouths open... i then look at her... and we both burst out laughing!!! We decided then not to play any more and to play a few round of MarioKart before she went and met her boyfriend. 
Then later that evening. I went and babysat my 4month  old cousin William.. who is sooo cute bless him... However i never realised i know NOTHING about babies. Just as my uncle and auntie were leaving to go out.. he woke up and started crying and i was like ummm okayy... i let him have a bottle which made him stop crying... but as it neared the end i begun to worry about the crying... which he did... so i decided to do what i always see people do... i stood up with him in my arms and bounced up and down singing the first song that game to my head which was the... "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" So here i am, with a baby in my arms, bouncing up and down singing, "In the Jungle, the mighty Jungle, the lion sleeps tonight, Awimba way Awimba way" This actually calmed him down, then he was more interested in the tv, and everytime i moved him away he would moan and try and hit me.. so i was like meeer okayy... I then realised this little baby... hated simon cowell, loved Louie, hated men on tv but loved women! Oh and he loves Simply Red.! Was a good evening :)


Went to my uncles and aunties for lunch, which was pretty chilled out and then at about 5/6ish my parents took me back to Derbyland.. Everytime it happens it always feels like ive escaped by train and then they just bring me staright back! Its a weird feeling!

Anyway thats my weekend! Remember if your reading and your not following yet! then click the follow button :)

Sunday 28 November 2010

Finally realised these PJ shorts are not normal....

3 years ago, i brought these PJ shorts from La Senza, there knee length shorts that are pink and stripy... and i was like in my 15 year old head.... "Ooooo like these" and then brought them.
Got home, and put them on... and they had some weird black thing at the top.... which i was a bit like ooo this is weird but folded it over the top, so it was smaller... which i had done for 3 years....

Now 3 years on.... in my 18 year old head.... i look at them and have finally realised what this black thing is...
These aren't normal PJ shorts... no they are maternity PJ shorts!!!! and this big black bit of material which i have always just folded over goes over a baby bump..... I only realised that that's what the black thing was for, as when i went into H&M i saw pair of Jeans with the same thing.... and was like to my friend "Whats this for.?" and that's when she informed me that's for pregnant women....

When i told my Mum about it, she just laughed at me and said "Oh Nessa, only you could have done that"

Follow me, for more dappy discovery's! 

Friday 26 November 2010

A collaboration of Steph's crazy sayings!

So Steph is a lecturer (well was) at the University of Derby! 
In which i have her for DAW (Digital Audio Workstations) 
Now Steph isnt a normal talking lecturer.... she is CRAZY!!!
And says some lets say unusual catch phrases...
So i thought as she has now left the uni for some un-known reason... i will create a blog just of her wacky sayings! :) (Well a few of them as i had not wrote them all down obviously! 

- "song select.... Oh ummm... i dunno what that is...."
- "low nibble there"
- "Woop Woop Woop"
- "Eight? I love ya"
- "Thats some sexy midi"
- Yaaaaaaaaaaaay"
- "oooo whats that noise?"
- "God that's squeaky"
- "Lets get your knickers in a twist"
- "Someone give it to me"
- "Well im having a good time"

Oh how we will miss you steph! LOL 

Follow me :) Thankyoou!

A noticeable change in men..

I've been noticing that men are becoming worse than women with beauty products. 
I say this as when in shops such as Boots and Superdrug there are more and more new products for men, such as "guyliner" "Veet for men" "L'Oreal Moisturiser for men" "Lotion" and many hair products for men...
Now back in the days... Men used to just want basic products and not been so fussed about different products and brands.... but NOW.... they care about how good there hair is, how soft there skin is, there clothing.. and different types of brands!
Even men who go for that rugged look, still take great pride on all these different products, and create the rugged look....? Strange right..
You now no longer walk into a man's room or bathroom and it be a bit of a mess, general man's room...
Now you walk in a see something more like this...
Big difference...!! 

Is this a sign that women need to higher the level??? 
Who knows!!!

Im not moaning about this, because a man that looks after himself is obviously a good thing... but lets just hope that they don't become so obsessed over products that they not only look after themselves but still have that manly image! ? 

Just saying :)

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Monday 22 November 2010

For the Goober in my life :)

Yeah this one is a special one, if it was possible i would cover it in glitter and pile in sweets and everything nice :)
Its getting a habit of writing posts about people who, i dunno, want one and deserve my valuable time to big them up! and this special little Goober had it coming... :)
This is for the best Goobering, Appley friend Chanita :D ;)

So lets go back four years ago to 2007. * travelling back in time* wooooooooooooooooo....

And we find our selves at The Pitz club, at a gig that changed everything!
Was just being my general hyper dappy little Nessa, when i bumped into my mate Alex, who had a friend with him, and i jumped up and in excitement exclaimed,
In which the mysterious person replied,
 "Hi, Im Chanita"
and the converstation followed somewhat like this:
Me: "Oh hey, what school do you go to?"
Chan: "The same one as you!"
Me: "WOW :) Ive not seen you around!"
Chan: "HHEHEHEHEHE im new"
Me: "Oh right cool, there is some new ICT teacher too, she is soo funny she wears colourful stripy socks with sandals, HAHAHA"
Chan: ".... Thats my mum"
Me: "..... Oh......"
Chan: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA dont worry about it"
Me: "Okay :D"
Chan: "WOW you have a spongebob t-shirt"
Me: "HAHAHA yeah!!! *looks at her t-shirt* .. WOW your wearing a spongebob t shirt too!!"
Chan: "Lets be spongebob buddies"
Me: ":D OKAY!!!"

And that was the beginning of an amazing friendship that was about to come!

So when we got back into school, i didn't actually see Chanita, due to we hung in different groups!
But that wasn't the end!!

Now lets travel 2 years forward and 2years back... * travelling through time* woooooooooooooooo

Sixth form time came, and i moved schools, and it came to the first lesson of Music Tech, and low and behold Chanita was sitting there, and everything just clicked into place!!! Me, Chanita and Chloe (Y)
For some un known reason (maybe it was meant to be) me and Chanita went togther like Jelly and Ice-cream or in Chanita's case, Chicken and urmmmm Chicken :)
Im not really sure what happend after that first Music Tech lesson that brung us to become best friends, but what came after it was the best times ever.... so lets start a few examples of the CRAZY times:

-Random walks
-Getting taxi's to spontaneous partys at 11pm
-Running around a field and Chanita training me to run and then me throwing it all away as the gun goes
-Taking webcam pictures
-Random trips to city
-Playing Wii (Mario and De Blob)
-Boy hunting ;)
-Making each other laugh through anything (even the day my cat died, R.I.P)
-Asking my Dad for extremely weird things.... (Chanita you know what i mean lol)
-Gym sessions
-Music Tech lessons (Hiding under the table LOL)
-Shopping (Underwear shopping was the funniest.... Chanita "Oh Nessa i just don't feel comfortable" LOL)
-Random finding money (Boots Card (Y))
-Chilling at each other's houses
-"Your going to the parrrrrrk" (Still makes me laugh every time)
-Chilling in the studio
-Board shorts and baggy hoodies :)

And so many other things!!! :D

Chanita can make me smile and laugh so hard that it hurts, even when im at my lowest she knows how to make me smile and make everything better!! :)
Sixth form without her would have been HELL!!
Music Tech were always the BEST lessons, especially when the teachers started to try and split us up by making us sit on the other side of the room because we were always so LOUD!!!
and the time *gosh im laughing as i write this* the time where Copping split us into groups and we were separated and you were made too go studio and i had to stay in class and you stood by the door staring in through the window pane and then Copping locked you out of the room, and then you pretended to leave and as he unlocked the door you tried to get back in and he ran at you and i hid under the table HAHAHA!! soooo funny!!
Running round the school corridors and singing and "booty" shaking it whenever we could, and then as soon as someone was coming walking normally giggling!! (Y)

so many things to blog about.... this is going to be long one!!! But its okayy :)

Ten things about Chanita:

1)She is DARK WHITE :P
2)She loves McFLY
3)She is afro-Caribbean 
4)She can sing AMAZINGLY!
5)She always smiles!!! The times when she is not, are scary scary times
6)She is the LOUDEST person you will meet in your life :P
7)She loves chicken!!
8)When she was real little she had a cute little afro xD
9)She is a CRAZY mofo!
10)She has a mum called Jackie who wears stripy socks with sandals and a Dad called Bambi who is somewhere in Stevenage...... maybe (Y)

Ten things i LOVE about Chanita:

1)She can make me smile and laugh, at the hardest times (without her who knows where i could be)
2)She confessed a while ago that she always wanted to be like me! xD
3)LOVE how we can just go to each other houses and sit in the same room on computers and laptops and be  talking to each other on MSN as well as face to face :)
4)Her double air bed, where i had the BEST sleep of my life!!
5)She understands anything that i say or do! (which most people don't)
6)Me and her could dance, sing and act like how most people would say complete weirdo's but we don't care :)
7)If i ever forgot my lunch money then she would always get lunch for me or half her lunch with me or even scab food of someone for me, and i would always do the same for her :D
8)She is my lucky charm, good things happen to me when she is by my side...... for e.g Airkixs ;) (Chanita you know what i mean)
9)Her Caribbean rice!! YUM YUM YUUUUUUUUM!!!!
10)That we are both into the same things and the fact that we get on soooo well!!! :)

Ten sayings that me and Chanita have :) :

1)*whisper* "shut up she didn't say the right words"
3)"What's your name?" "Oliver" *in deep voice* "Oliver"
4)"Excuse me do you know where the crapper is?"
5)"Hereeeeee, kitty kittey kittey"
6)"My TOE!"
7) "What?" "WHAAAAAT?"
9)"Now that were men, we can do anything"
10)"I hate people who speak with there mouths full" *with a mouth full of food* "Uh huh"

Ten random adventures me and Chanita have been on!!!! :

1)The first time i ever went to Chanita's house when she lived in Westcroft, and we got onto the number 8 bus  to get there, and there was some CRAZY ass woman on it, who started screaming at this girl at the back of the bus, and the crazy woman was going to set her bull dog onto the girl, and me and Chanita just sat in the middle of the argument and held back the laughter!

2)The time Chanita was training me for the 100m run at sports day and kept making me run 100m and beating my time, for a whole hour and then when it actually came to the day, i was too hot and just walked it! lol

3)Also the time on sports day where me and Chanita got bored of helping the little kids and the events that we ditched and went and got an ice-cream sat on the patio at sixth form eating it, until we saw the head and he saw us and it was a very tense moment, as he legged it towards us shouting at us and we ran into the sixth form, where Chanita opened the door to run up the stairs and i ran straight into the door smacking my head, and then us hiding in the toilet! LOL My head hurt so much after that!

4)On one of our random trips to the city, we were in GAME where we found the game "De Blob" and was in there for ages laughing at the game! 

5)The time when we were up city and we were both REALLY hungry but we had spent all our money so we sat there for ages wondering what to do, and then Chanita realised she had money on her Boots card and we managed to get 2 meal deals out of it :)

6)The GAME guy who was good looking until he spoke!!! LOL

7)All the times were we found random YouTube videos and laughed so hard at them, especially the girl who did the weird dancing!!! LOL

8)The weirdo boy who sent those weird txts and pictures :S And then when he wanted to call Chanita, she asked me to answer it so when i did he started saying how "sexy" my voice was and if i was from Hong Kong, LOL

9)All the times we mucked about in the studio, "Playing my guitaaaaaarrr in the studdiioooooo" :)

10)Ha! The time that Chanita came to mine and she was MEGA tired, but i had a Youth Cabinet meeting and i took her and had to leave her in a little room and when i went back to get her she had fallen asleep! LMAO

Oh gosh there are SOOO many stories and random times! This post would be MEGA long if i summarised them all! 
All the parties that me and Chanita go to (Y)

Now im at uni... I miss these times!!!

Games me and Chanita played on the consoles:

-Toon Town :P
-Just Dance
-Guitar Hero

Chanita Nicknames for me:

- Goober
-Mecca Mecca Nessa

My Nicknames for Chanita:


Love you Goober!!! Best friend Ever :) But shhh i didn't say that :

So yeah i could carry on typing more, but i shall leave it there :)

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Thursday 18 November 2010

If your feeling down, or just want a laugh read this!! So funny!! :)

Paddy goes to the vet with his goldfish.  "I think it's got epilepsy" he tells the vet.
Vet takes a look and says "It seems calm enough to me".
Paddy says, "I haven't taken it out of the bowl yet".


Paddy spies a letter lying on his doormat. It says on the envelope "DO NOT BEND ".
Paddy spends the next 2 hours trying to figure out how to pick the bl**dy thing up.


Paddy shouts frantically into the phone "My wife is pregnant and her
contractions are only two minutes apart!"
"Is this her first child?" asks the Doctor.
"No", shouts Paddy, "this is her husband!"


 Paddy was driving home, drunk as a skunk, suddenly he has to swerve to
 avoid a tree, then another, then another.

A cop car pulls him over as he veers about all over the road.
Paddy tells the cop about all the trees in the road.
Cop says "For goodness sake Paddy, that's your air freshener swinging about!"
 An old Irish farmer's dog goes missing and he's inconsolable.
 His wife says "Why don't you put an advert in the paper?"
 He does, but two weeks later the dog is still missing.
 "What did you put in the paper?" his wife asks.
 "Here boy" he replies.


 Paddy's in jail. Guard looks in his cell and sees him hanging by his feet.
 "What the hell you doing?" he asks.
 "Hanging myself" Paddy replies.
 "It should be around your neck" says the Guard.
 "I know" says Paddy "but I couldn't  breathe".


An American tourist asks an Irishman:"Why do Scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?"
To which the Irishman replies: "If they fell forwards, they'd still be in the bl * *dy boat"  

Wednesday 17 November 2010


At the start of the term, every lecturer warned us all about the November blues and i always thought to myself... "Nah that wont happen to me" 
But i was wrong yet again... I miss home ALOT right now!!

I think its because its so cold and wet up here... I know I haven't moved up that far, but there is still a big difference. 
As well as that the amount of work and added socialising and looking after myself is adding its toll! 

Cant wait till this month is over!!!

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Requests after Requests, This one is for Vicky :)

So last time i wrote a whole post dedicated to the lovely Dave from 10C. From this I've had many requests for dedicated posts to people. Which i shall get round to, but for now i shall do one Vicky :) 

This is for Vicky:

Ten things about Vicky

1) She is from STOKE :) 
2) She lives across the corridor from me and her room is always jealously warmer than mine!
3) Vicky never wears Jeans or trousers, only dresses, skirts and leggings, because she is girly like that! 
4) She has a big sheep collection :O
5) She is a joint honour student, which is pretty damn cool *smug face*
6) She has a boyfriend called Jordan! (Sorry lads, she is taken) :)
7) Loves to watch Australian soaps such as Neighbours
8) She likes Metallica :O Which i only discovered out she liked recently!
9) Her frav alcoholic drinks are JD and Strongbow (Obviously not together though) 
10) When out, she is the photographer! SMILE!!!


Ten things i like about Vicky

1) She likes Sheep, which makes me feel more sane about my obsession of Ducks
2) She has amazing curly brown hair!
3) She dresses like a girl but acts like a tom boy, where as apparently i dress like a tom boy but act like a girly girl.
4) She pronounces look as Luke. Which makes me giggle :)
5) She lives across the corridor from me (Y)
6) We found each other on the weird Buddy site and for months thought we were the ONLY ones in our flat!!
7) We both suck at pool..... well maybe she is better than me but i let her win :P
8) We are two V's in a pod!
9) The time when she was making pasta and she kept making me try pieces of pasta so i could tell her if it was cooked or not! ^.^
10) How we both moan about anything and everything, like two old ladies on a park bench!

Very crazy times of course (Y) (not to mention the time, just because i moved her cutlery because she scared the life out of me, she decided to cover my whole door and handle with paper and tissue -_-)

Five reasons why you would want someone like Vicky in your life

1) You always need someone to always want to take pictures
2) She always speaks her mind, and sometimes you need someone like that :)
3) You definitely always need someone who makes you giggle
4) A person like Vicky has a very interesting life, even though they may not think it!
5) She always has something to say, which is good when you don't know what to say :)

Its purple because she likes purple :)

So thats the end of this post then :)
I know i know, sad times!

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Untill next time, any comments are welcome :)

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Saturday 6 November 2010

Because Dave asked for it! :)

I just remembered Dave the amazing guy from who i can see from my window told me a while back he reads my blogs and found some quite depressing and that he wanted a blog posting sepecially dedicated to him! 


Ten things about Dave:

1) He has amazing long hair
2) He has COOOL glasses
3) He is studying to look after mental people :D (will most likely be seeing me :P lol)
4) He takes photographs!!!

5) He comes from Nottinham (Y)
6) He wears a cool stripey hat!!!

7) He lives across the road from me and we occasionally wave out of our windows and communicate by holding up signs :)
8) He is one of the most caring guys ever!
9) He has a cool girlfriend called Beth :)
10) He has a amazing sense of humour

Everyone should want to know and love Dave!!! Because he is just Dave!!! :) 

Ten things i like about Dave :) :

1) The crazy time when you came over here and we jumped around and played pranks on Vicky
2) The time we realised we could see each other from our bedroom windows so starting making signs to each  other.... and taking pictures..... which are now on facebook (Y)
3) The chats we have :D
4) When we sat in your room with Ryan, Vicky and Jordan and watched all those crazy videos for example =3 :)
5)  When i saw you at uni and you could of gone home but instead you decided to sit with me and have coffee :)
6) Like how your down to earth
7) Like that you can be serious but there is a jokey side as well :)
8) Like how you randomly come out with statements such as "I tested Urine today" LOL
9) Like how you look so much like the guy from 3OH!3 :O lol

Five reasons why you would want a friend like Dave:

1) Without someone like Dave in your life your whole life would be a FAIL
2) He is so down to earth that anything goes (Y)
3) He will make you laugh even if you dont feel like laughing
4) If you go mental when your older, a friend like Dave will look after you!
5) You always need a crazy friend :)

So yeah, i think that pretty much sums it up, that Dave/David is pretty damn cool :)

Oh and check this its in Green and Red because Dave has cool Green and Red hoodys :) (Y)

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