Sunday 24 October 2010

24/10/2010 - Uni update (:

Ive not done a blog for a while!! Crazy i know! :O 

So my last Blog was a tad..... depressing?? 
Oppsy, My bad!

But things have got better!! The grey cloud that was hovering over my head is clearing!!! 
Which obviously is better :) (Y)

so Uni.... They sell it to you, go study something you love, go party, go and get an amazing job after... WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!
I thought yeah Music, the only thing that makes me feel alive, I'll study that only to discover that studying music technology and production isn't all what they make it out to be!!! Tbh most days i feel as though i have chosen a science course!!!! So much Science!!! and not just that History as well!! Craving so bad to just get in the studio, start recording and start mixing!!! </3
As well as that "go party" pfft! Ive never been so exhausted in my whole life!!! 
Having to party in order to socialise and have fun, do uni work, survive off the limited amount of student loan, cook, clean and sleep!!! ARRRRRRGH!!! not as simple as i first thought!!! 
The amazing job after uni...... Well if what Barry says in study skills in his amazing motivation presentation..... THERE WILL BE NOTHING!!!! as i quote Barry "You will most likely spend the first 10 years after uni working somewhere you hate"....... Gr8 Barry..! Amazing motivation speech! (Y) 

So i am more tired, ill and just BLEH then ever!!! (Y)
Yeah uni is gr8 (Y).....

But its not all that bad.... it has its good points, such as independence, and meeting such amazing people that you would most likely never of spoken to in your life (Y) :) That's why its worth it :)

Until next time (Y)

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Thursday 14 October 2010

When you know what you want but just cant reach it

You know when you have a choice between two things, and then one thing pulls out, and you actually realise that that's the one you would have rather gone with.. But then feel so bad that you didn't think of that before it actually happened, and as well as considering the other choice = What im going through right now.

Get put off by the excitement that it held so edged more towards the safer choice, but now thinking... the excitement was the best part.

Then you get a third choice that comes and goes! 
Choices in life are not good, and have come to the conclusion that too many choices leads to confusion and frustration which is not fun.


Going home this weekend, and even though being here at uni for only 4 weeks i actually cant wait to get back to somewhere i know, somewhere,, where i know the people, know how they act and have that comfort.

Sorry about the depressing blog this time... But hey, you blog what you feel and think.
and i think ive made a BIG mistake.... yet again!

Sunday 10 October 2010

Oh gosh! EPIC LOL

Going to blog this because it is sooo worth it!!!

Day 1:
Me and Alex walking back from uni, when he says
"Those flats are quite nice, wouldn't mind
living in them in 2nd year"
"Yeah there lush, prob really expensive tho"
"Yeah probably"
"You could always try tho, you have a year to find other places"

Day 2:
Me and Alex walking back from uni, when the thought of what we spoke about yesterday came up
"So did you look into it?"
"Look into what?"

"Those flats you were thinking off yesterday"

"Well i walked past and saw a man"
(A few minutes later)


"Then what?"

"Then i walked away"

At this point i realised Alex didn't understand what i was asking him, and started laughing soooo much

"Why are you laughing" (or how he says it laffing)
"Because i wasn't asking if you had looked into the actual flat, i was asking if you had looked into them, as in the pricing and stuff, HAHAHAHAHA"

In which Alex facial expression changed to one in which he was slightly amused he didn't understand yet embarrassed :P

"Shut up -_-"

Oh gosh! 
Love that Guy! 

Such a random blog i know but i felt the need to do it :)

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Tuesday 5 October 2010

Foam Party HORROR

The last time i went to a foam party i was 14! and 4 years on there was a chance to go to yet another foam party, however i had no idea what to wear! as when you were a lot younger you wasn't that bothered, and now i didn't want my clothes to get ruined but i didn't want to wear some manky outfit, because that just wouldn't make me feel good at all = to not having a good time... !
So i researched into what to wear... and many google images came up with girls in bikinis and very short shorts... and well I'm not exactly body confident so that flew RIGHT out the window! In the end i advertised it on facebook, in hope that friends would help!! which worked 100% better!!! So in the end i wore decent length short shorts, and a pink t-shirt (that i didn't mind getting ruined) :) And some crappy shoes as well... as i didn't wear heels due to the risk of slipping and hurting myself... however i didn't need heels to do that tonight....

So me and Vicky started walking but then realised bringing my passport and phone was NOT a good idea!! so headed back even though we were freezing to leave them behind! Then as we got there it was £3 to get in!!! Which right now I'm going to mention that i am shocked that clubs here in Derby, you have to pay to get in! I mean whats up with that?? They open soooo late.. like half 10 and then shut at around 3.... Very poor indeed!! Anyway we got in and i went to the bar and brought 3 drinks straight up for myself as Ive noticed also if you get into a club here and buy a drink the time you get back to the bar to buy yet another drink you are pretty much sober! Therefore walking around looking like a alcoholic with multiple drinks was much better :) Me and Vicky then stood quite close to the dance floor, not on it though as we was unsure how heavy the foam would be and didn't want to get trapped, so stood on edge, and danced.. and OMGosh! if you imagined the stereotype of the geekiest guy ever.... HE!! that image, was there staring at me!! doing some weird peacock mating dance towards me... i was like arrrrrgh *hide* After an awkward half hour of this geeky guy trying to seduce me with what he thought was "sexy dancing" we lost him (Y) Then the FOAM BEGUN!! :D It was amazing!!! The foam canon shot out LOADS!!! it was everywhere was sooo amazing!! and then when it stopped a bit me and Vicky had a bit of a foam fight with some people near us! was soooo much FUN :D 


Thought it would be such a good idea to get in there with the foam, and get on the dance floor, just to experience it. So me and Vicky got onto the dance floor found a group of decent people to stand near, where yet another random guy tried to dance with me... in which i was like no thanks... The foam then yet again begun!! and OMGosh! the intensity of it was overwhelming! It went right over my head and made me feel as though i was underwater i could not breathe!!! Then i felt a hard knock on my face.. but didn't think much of it as was having fun... Then all of a sudden Vicky started to say something to be in a PANIC! and i felt my nose and there was BLOOD!! pouring out of it!! from both nostrils, at that point i realised i had been PUNCHED in the face! i raced to get out as more foam shot out the Cannon, it was indeed horrific, pushing out of a crowd of drunk deluded people and being covered in foam and being unable to see, whilst blood is pouring painfully from my nose and not to mention some random person trying to pull me back, begun to fight for survival! 

I finally got out and ran all the way to the bath room and shoved some cold tissue on my face!! not really sure what i should be doing at this point. Vicky went and told a security/bouncer guy but he was a complete and utter WASTE of time! He just said "Yeah... urmmm... get some ice?" I mean WTF?? So Vicky left me sitting by a wall with tissue to my face in throbbing pain whilst she fought her way to the bar to get ice, in which the utter BIMBO of a bar woman gave her ice in a blown up rubber glove.... so there i was at a foam party with a rubber glove full of ice on my nose... (Y) 

Me and Vicky then went home and i took as much legal medication as i could to help with the pain!! which at the time felt like a very good idea! but the long term consequences were not so grand!
As i missed my FIRST ever lecture!! due to sleeping in!! Which wasn't because i was tired but in fact that i passed out with the pain and medication i had taken!! (Y) Never again!

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